Monday, December 28, 2009

Black Women dating White Men

Black women dating white men can be a very controversial topic. Unfortunately for many years I felt that black women dating white men was a No. No. I was so close minded that I thought that as a black woman we should stay with our own race. As I was talking with some friends at the dinner table today, it finally occurred to me that it shouldn't matter what the race is.

The topic came up when we were talking (a group of educated black women) about dating and getting married a couple years after graduation. As a black race, their are far more educated women than educated men. As a black educated woman, I find it hard to have a significant other that does not have the same educational level or more. It's sad but true, but their are very few good educated black men out there.

The main reasons I always thought to stay within my own race was the feeling of being comfortable within my own skin, hair, language, food, culture, and even religion. Their are so many reasons why you should stay within your own race, but their are always a million and one reasons to stay single. We will always have excuses and blame the reason on why we are single on the shortage of good black men. When we are just limiting ourselves on finding the man of our dreams. I feel that God has someone for each and everyone of us and we cannot limit God on only our race.

As I was doing some research it looks like some women are realizing this and taking it to the next level. "Statistics show that more Black women are dating White men. Black female/White male marriages went from 27,000 in 1980 to 80,000 by 2000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau."

So I would like to say to the world please do not be so close-minded to only stay within your own race, because we may either settle or never find the "ONE". Always be open, you never know what God has in store for us.



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